Physiotherapy is an ancient technique for healing physical problems. It is a globally recognized method of therapy used for the prevention and treatment of physical problems. Physiotherapy is not based on drug treatment, as it uses the application of physical means/provisions.
Physiotherapy is a ‘conservative method of treatment’ and uses ‘gentle’, non-interventional instruments and methods. For example, physical methods include: exercise, hot temperature, cold temperature, pressure, sound, electromagnetism and electricity.

Methods of Treatment
- Isokinetic Therapy
- Shockwave therapy
- L.A.Z.E.R.
- Cryotherapy – KRYOTOUR 600
- Photodynamic Therapy (Brain Light)-Hydrosun
- Upper and lower limb cyclotron (Biofeedback)
- Dinner Bath
- Paraffin bath
- Electromassing
- Diathermy
- Short wave diathermy
- Ultrasound
- Electropathy Tens
- Sports Massage
- Medical Massage
- Lymphatic drainage
- Treatment of pain trigger points (Myoperitoneal Massage)